Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ

Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ

Christopher Louis LangApproaching the Bible: In order to examine the evidence for the resurrection we must place ourselves in the historical situation. The events surrounding the life and death of Christ didn’t occur at a place where we can gain no knowledge of...
Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ

Dodgy Doings in Pompeii

One of the most innovative museum exhibitions of which I have heard is currently touring Canada and will later move on to China and Japan. It presents the archaeologist in his role of Sherlock Holmes, using his discoveries to piece together the human stories...
Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ

The New Testament: Can I Trust It?

By Rusty and Linda Wright “How can any well-educated person believe the New Testament? It was written so long after the events it records that we can’t possibly trust it as historically reliable.” This is a common question on the university campus...
Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ

The Tower of Babel (3/3)

The Tower of Babel: Outside The Bible In addition, there is a specific time duration in which this tower must have been built. Archaeological evidence proves that such a ziggurat must have been built no later than 2,400 BC: ‘We see then that the archaeological facts...
Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ

The Big Toe Fraud

These Articles Are Reproduced With Special Permission From Archeological Diggings MagazineFor More Information And A Subscription, Please Visit www.DiggingsOnline.Com I woke up the other morning with an intense pain in the joint of my big toe. I couldn’t recall...