Search for Moses’ Foster-mother

Search for Moses’ Foster-mother

According to the record in Exodus 2:5-10, “The daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself at the river and her maidens walked along the river’s side. When she saw the ark among the reeds, she sent her maid to get it and when she had opened it, she saw the...
Search for Moses’ Foster-mother

Biblical Archeology, Free Course 4

Inscriptions 2: while it is useful to discover artifacts, greater still is the discovery of inscriptions because they furnish information in a special way. We continue to study archeological inscriptions that we started in the previous course. Lesson 01: The Mesha...
Search for Moses’ Foster-mother

Ancient Electrics

The 1936 discovery of a pottery jar at Khujut Rubu’a, near Baghdad, continues to stir curiosity among the public and controversy among the experts. At first sight the pottery jar was not all that unusual; it was long and cylindrical rather than bowl-shaped, but jars...
Search for Moses’ Foster-mother

Gyroscope Earth

Many of us as a child enjoyed a toy called a gyroscope. It was a small spoked wheel in a round frame. The wheel was spoked and fairly heavy, and it had a hole drilled in the axle that a string went through. You wound up the string by winding the gyroscope wheel...
Who Is In Tomb 55

Who Is In Tomb 55

These Articles Are Reproduced With Special Permission From Archeological Diggings Magazine For More Information And A Subscription, Please Visit www.DiggingsOnline.Com Tomb 55 Tomb 55 in the Valley of the Kings has been a bit of a mystery ever since it was discovered...