Archeology Course 2, Lesson 2

Archeology Course 2, Lesson 2

Archeology Course 2, Lesson 2Excavation The term archaeological excavation has a double meaning:    1. Excavation is the best known and most commonly used within the science of archaeology. In this sense it is the exposure, processing and recording of...
Archeology Course 2, Lesson 2

Archeology Course 2, Lesson 1

Archaeological field survey is the methodological process by which archaeologists (often landscape archaeologists) collect information about the location, distribution and organisation of past human cultures across a large area (e.g. typically in excess of one...
Archeology Course 2, Lesson 2

Biblical Archeology Course 1, Lesson 5

Of all the world religions, the Christian faith is one that totally and fully depends upon the reliability of the historical narratives of its Holy book. Consequently, the radical theologians and rationalists are quick to attack the historical narratives of the Bible....
Archeology Course 2, Lesson 2

Biblical Archeology Course 1, Lesson 4

One difference between the Christian faith and many other world religions is the historical nature of Bible. Though all the other religious books offer many stories, these do not claim to be histories. Even in those places where other religions claim to be presenting...