Egyptian Tomb Chapel Moves

Egyptian Tomb Chapel Moves

The 1904 St Louis Exposition, otherwise grandly known as the World’s Fair, attracted all the great and the good in America and for their entertainment every part of the British Empire, as well as most of the countries of Europe and their colonies, sent an exhibit. One...
Egyptian Tomb Chapel Moves

The Wealth Of Croesus

Some years ago I toured the Seven Churches of Asia, the seven churches referred to in the first three chapters of St John’s Apocalypse. Ephesus and Pergamon are the jewels in the series; extensive ruins that have been well excavated and restored, enabling us to...
Egyptian Tomb Chapel Moves

The First Marathon

The tangled story of the wars between the Greeks and the Persians is too complex to be described here. Let us start, however, with the Athenian raid on Sardis, when the defenders were taken by surprise and the city sacked and burned. Infuriated by this, the Persian...
Egyptian Tomb Chapel Moves

Egyptian Massage Parlour

These Articles Are Reproduced With Special Permission From Archeological Diggings Magazine For More Information And A Subscription, Please Visit www.DiggingsOnline.Com The Egyptian climate has long been regarded as very healthy – mainly due to its combination of...
Egyptian Tomb Chapel Moves

Biblical Archeology Course 4, Lesson 5

Biblical Archeology Course 4, Lesson 5Cylinder of Nabonidus The Nabonidus Cylinder from Sippar is a long text in which king Nabonidus of Babylonia (556-539 BC) describes how he repaired three temples: the sanctuary of the moon god Sin in Harran, the sanctuary of the...