Radio Carbon Dating and the Biblical Data

Radio Carbon Dating and the Biblical Data

Man has a great desire to learn about the past.  Determination of how old relics from the past are is of great importance to everyone involved in studying the past, and as a consequence scientists have developed numerous methods to determine the age of old...
Radio Carbon Dating and the Biblical Data

Biblical Archeology Course 5, Lesson 4

Study Bible, Theology, Ministry Masters and Doctoral Diplomas in Trinity School of Apologetics and Theology — A Bible School and Seminary With a Difference! Biblical Archeology Course 5, Lesson 4Kurkh Monolith of Shalmaneser III Picture: The Kurkh Monolith of...
Radio Carbon Dating and the Biblical Data

Evidence of Jesus’ Existence

Rusty Wright Rarely these days does Israel make headlines for something other than conflict. But a recent (Fall 2002) announcement about an ancient artifact there attracted wide attention.  Biblical Archaeology Review revealed that a stone ossuary (bone...
Radio Carbon Dating and the Biblical Data

Caesarea Philippi

“Banias, the Lost City of Pan” is a new book by John Francis Wilson (I B Taurus, 2004) that deals with what is truly a fascinating place in northern Israel. The site is wild enough to please the most romantic soul – a green oasis at the foot of towering Mt...
Radio Carbon Dating and the Biblical Data

Biblical Archeology Course 6, Lesson 1

Biblical Archeology Course 6, Lesson 1Dead Sea scrolls The Dead Sea scrolls consist of roughly 1000 documents, including texts from the Hebrew Bible, discovered between 1947 and 1979 in eleven caves in and around the Wadi Qumran (near the ruins of the ancient...