Biblical Archeology, Course 3, Lesson 4

Biblical Archeology, Course 3, Lesson 4

In the early nineteenth century, the Frenchman Jean-François Champollion embarked on deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs, because he was fascinated by the origins of the world and thought he might gain access to texts that were far older than the Bible. In this he was...
Biblical Archeology, Course 3, Lesson 4

The Jezebel Seal

For some 40 years, one of the flashiest opal signets on display at the Israel Museum had remained without accurate historical context. Two weeks ago, Dutch researcher Marjo Korpel identified article IDAM 65-321 as the official seal of Queen Jezebel, one of the bible’s...
Biblical Archeology, Course 3, Lesson 4

Biblical Archeology Course 7, Lesson 5

EARLY MESOPOTAMIACopyright, John T. Stevenson, 2000 “Where is the man who can clamber to heaven? Only the gods live forever with glorious Shamash, but as for men, our days are numbered, our occupations are a breath of wind.” (Gilgamesh Epic, Tablet 2). “Thus it was...
Biblical Archeology, Course 3, Lesson 4

ICAATS: An Indian Accreditor for Bible Archeology

The courses offered here can be used in ICAATS accredited institutions for credit. The International Council For Alternate And Theological Studies (ICAATS) is an Indian NGO, which had an informal beginning in 1947  and since then it has been involved as an...
Biblical Archeology, Course 3, Lesson 4

Nefretiti’s Mummy ?

These Articles Are Reproduced With Special Permission From Archeological Diggings MagazineFor More Information And A Subscription, Please Visit www.DiggingsOnline.Com British scientist Joann Fletcher claims to have discovered the mummy of Egypt’s famous Queen...