Striking Gold in Egypt

Striking Gold in Egypt

Getting investors interested in what you want to do is probably the hardest part of any project – and the higher the risk, the harder it is to entice dollar bills out of potential investors whose wallets have probably been home to generations of moths. However, it can...
Striking Gold in Egypt

Biblical Archeology Course 6, Lesson 2

Biblical Archeology Course 6, Lesson 2Elephantine Papyri The Elephantine Papyri are a collection of ancient Jewish manuscripts dating from the fifth century BCE. They come from a Jewish community at Elephantine, then called Yeb, the island in the Nile at the border of...
Striking Gold in Egypt

The Jesus Boat On Galilee

There may be many authorities on new boats but there are not that many authorities on old boats, that is, really old boats. Professor Shelley Wachsmann however is such an authority, and he recently delivered a lecture at Sydney University on the 1986 discovery and...
Striking Gold in Egypt

The Capernaum Synagogue

The village of Capernaum is a well-known and venerated archaeological site in northern Israel. It is the place where the Gospels say Jesus taught and healed many people while staying at Peter’s house and visiting the nearby local synagogue. Excavations in the centre...
Striking Gold in Egypt

The City of Hazor and Old Testament Accuracy

Wayne JacksonChristian Courier The city of Hazor lay almost nine miles north of the Sea of Galilee. During the time of Joshua, it was a Canaanite stronghold in northern Palestine. During the conquest of Canaan, as Joshua marched his army northward, he was confronted...