Biblical Archeology Course 6, Lesson 4

Biblical Archeology Course 6, Lesson 4

Biblical Archeology Course 6, Lesson 4Oxyrhynchus papyri 1 Oxyrhynchus is a city in Upper Egypt, located about 160 km south-southwest of Cairo, in the governorate of Al Minya. It is also an archaeological site, considered one of the most important ever discovered. For...
Biblical Archeology Course 6, Lesson 4

The other Olympic Games

Despite the recent scandals in the governing council, the Olympic Games, to be held in Sydney later this year, are regarded as the pinnacle of world sport. Held every four years, they attract the top sportsmen in a wide range of physical sports (an attempt earlier...
Biblical Archeology Course 6, Lesson 4

Nehemiah’s Wall Found

Eilat Mazar reports that portions of the wall which was rebuilt by Nehemiaha and his companions in 5th century BC (Nehemiah 6:15) has been discovered in an amazingly preserved condition. You can see more info and pictures in Article01 and Article02 offsite.
Biblical Archeology Course 6, Lesson 4

Biblical Archeology, Course 1, Lesson 2

Biblical Archeology, Free Online Course 1, Lesson 2The Development Of Archeology Archeology is the science that studies the past with the help of tangible materials from past civilizations that can be discovered today. Though the systematized form of this science is...
Biblical Archeology Course 6, Lesson 4

Barbarians at Baalbek

Baalbek, the spectacular ruins in the Beqaa Valley between the Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon mountains, was first excavated approximately a century ago after Kaiser Wilhelm II visited the site and was so impressed that he ordered German archaeologists to work there. The...