Hiding under Cana

Hiding under Cana

Salvage excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) in Kfar Kana, in northern Israel, have uncovered an ancient city that dates back to the time of the Biblical kingdom of Israel. Excavations exposed a section of the city wall and remains of...
Hiding under Cana

James Ossuary

In October of 2002 the Biblical Archaeology Review (BAR) reported a major new archeological discovery. They announced that the burial box of James the Brother of Jesus was found in Jerusalem. This box had inscribed on it the words, “James, son of Joseph, brother...
Hiding under Cana

Woolley at Carchemish

No one can say that Sir Leonard Woolley had a one track mind. After digging at Tel el-Amarna, next he was off to Italy. Fortunately for him he had a gift of languages and within a month he was speaking fluent Italian. It was not without much effort on his part. He...
Hiding under Cana

Curse Of The Pharaohs

These Articles Are Reproduced With Special Permission From Archeological Diggings MagazineFor More Information And A Subscription, Please Visit www.DiggingsOnline.Com It started out as an ordinary school trip – a horde of screaming primary school pupils running...
Hiding under Cana

The Hittite Library

The Latest Archeology News Extracts From The World Of Research Via The Web As early as 1900 BC, the Hittites controlled a large kingdom in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey). They ruled from the city of Hattusas, near modern-day Boghazkoy. Between 1800 and 1680 BC, the...