A New Dead Sea Scroll in Stone?

A New Dead Sea Scroll in Stone?

IF it were written on leather (and smaller) I would say it was another Dead Sea Scroll fragment—but it isn’t. It is written on gray-colored stone! And it is 3 feet high and 1 foot wide! Otherwise, it strongly resembles in many respects what we have come to expect from...
A New Dead Sea Scroll in Stone?

Egyptian Medical Manual

In 1822, the year that Champollion announced that he had deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphics, a boy was born in Connecticut in the New World. Little is known about Edwin Smith’s childhood; we do know, however, that he became interested in Egypt and its history and in...
A New Dead Sea Scroll in Stone?

Tomb of Tut’s Wet Nurse found

French archaeologists led by Alain Zivie claim that on December 1, 1997, they found the tomb of the wet-nurse who cared for Tutankhamun when he was a baby. Her name was Maya and her tomb was found 60 feet below ground level at Saqqara, 30 km south of Cairo. Luxor was...
A New Dead Sea Scroll in Stone?

Western Wall Of Jerusalem

The Latest Archeology News Extracts From The World Of Research Via The Web The Western Wall in the midst of the Old City in Jerusalem is the section of the Western supporting wall of the Temple Mount which has remained intact since the destruction of the Second...
A New Dead Sea Scroll in Stone?

King David’s Name in Egypt

King David of Israel subdued the Philistines, the Syrians, the Moabites, Ammonites and Edomites (2 Samuel chapter 8-10) but he never confronted the Egyptians. However an article in the January edition of Biblical Archaeology Review (BAR) claims that there is an...