Biblical Archeology, Course 3, Lesson 1

Biblical Archeology, Course 3, Lesson 1

Biblical Archeology Free Online Course 3, Lesson 1Importance Of Inscriptions In Archeology Archeology depends upon artifacts discovered from the ancient worlds for its task of reconstruction. It must never be forgotten that “reconstruction” is needed because in the...
Biblical Archeology, Course 3, Lesson 1

Baptism at Bethany

Scholars continue to debate two related points: where did John the Baptist baptise and where was Jesus baptised? The exact place of Jesus’ baptism is not known. The Jordan river was often not easily accessible, due to flooding and its setting with a deep gorge. The...
Biblical Archeology, Course 3, Lesson 1

Biblical Archeology, Course 4, Lesson 3

Biblical Archeology Course 4, Lesson 3Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III The “Black Obelisk” of Shalmaneser III (reigned 858-824 BC) is a black limestone Neo-Assyrian bas-relief sculpture from Nimrud (ancient Kalhu), in northern Iraq. Height: 197.85 cm. Width: 45.08 cm....
Biblical Archeology, Course 3, Lesson 1

Compounds Built After Exodus?

“Wow” Discovery: Archaeologist Finds First Foot-Shaped Compounds Built by the Israelites After Exodus? Teresa Neumann (April 9, 2009) “The ‘foot’ held much significance as a symbol of ownership of territory, control over an enemy, connection between...
Biblical Archeology, Course 3, Lesson 1


These Articles Are Reproduced With Special Permission From Archeological Diggings MagazineFor More Information And A Subscription, Please Visit www.DiggingsOnline.Com What is this life, the poet asked, if full of care, we have no time to stop and stare. It is, I...