Biblical Archeology Course 5, Lesson 2

Biblical Archeology Course 5, Lesson 2

Biblical Archeology Course 5, Lesson 2Tiglath-Pileser III’s Inscriptions at Nimrud Tiglath-Pileser III (Akkadian: Tukultī-Apil-Ešarra) was a prominent king of Assyria in the 8th century BC (ruled 745–727 BC)[1][2] and is widely regarded as the founder of the...
Biblical Archeology Course 5, Lesson 2

Unmasking Fakes

These Articles Are Reproduced With Special Permission From Archeological Diggings MagazineFor More Information And A Subscription, Please Visit www.DiggingsOnline.Com Ever since Lorenzo Valla uncovered the forgery of the “Donation of Constantine” – a...
Biblical Archeology Course 5, Lesson 2

Ancient Scrolls Found

This fragment of animal skin is inscribed in Hebrew with verses from Leviticus. Photo / AP JERUSALEM – A secretive encounter with a Bedouin in a desert valley led to the discovery of two fragments from a nearly 2,000-year-old parchment scroll – the first such finding...
Biblical Archeology Course 5, Lesson 2

Antiquities Attacked In Sicily

These Articles Are Reproduced With Special Permission From Archeological Diggings MagazineFor More Information And A Subscription, Please Visit www.DiggingsOnline.Com One of the sights on the interary of every tourist who visits Sicily is the so-called “Valley...
Biblical Archeology Course 5, Lesson 2


INVESTIGATING GENESIS Stephen Caesar Gorges Formed by Rapid Flooding: Scientists who believe the Bible have always maintained that river gorges (the largest and most famous being the Grand Canyon) were formed extremely rapidly and catastrophically, a sure sign of the...