Bible Archeology Articles

Archeology Course 3, Lesson 1

Archaeological science (also known as archaeometry) consists of the application of scientific techniques and...

Biblical Archeology Free Bible Course 2, Lesson 2

Study Bible, Theology, Ministry Masters and Doctoral Diplomas in Trinity School of Apologetics and Theology — A...

Biblical Archeology Bible School Course 2, Lesson 1

Study Bible, Theology, Ministry Masters and Doctoral Diplomas in Trinity School of Apologetics and Theology — A...

Antioch Moves Around

Antioch in Syria is chiefly famous today because it was there that the followers of Jesus were first called...
Caesarea Update

Caesarea Update

The September 2004 edition of Biblical Archaeology Review has devoted 21 pages to the latest archaeological...

Caesarea Update

Ivory Palaces

According to the Bible, Ahab built for himself a “house of ivory” in Samaria, an off-the-cuff statement which, in my...