Ghost Cities of Syria

Ghost Cities of Syria

The plains of northern Syria are dotted with the remains of ruined cities dating from the Roman and Byzantine eras. Some of these are religious sites, such as Qalaat Simoon, where the famous Simon Stylites spent all his adult life perched on top of a 60 foot pillar in...
Ghost Cities of Syria

The United Monarchy Under David and Solomon

The United Monarchy Under David and SolomonGary A. Byers During the past half century, many in the academic world have come to discount the historical basis for most of the Bible’s early characters. The Creation story with Adam and Eve was just a myth. There was no...
Ghost Cities of Syria

The Dead-sea Scrolls — I

The Dead-sea Scrolls — IDiscovery Of The Amazing Cache Of WritingsDr. Johnson C. PhilipBible is a much-attacked book. These attacks became intense in the last two to four hundred years, affecting many Christians adversely. However, this had the positive result...
Ghost Cities of Syria

The Joash Stone

These Articles Are Reproduced With Special Permission From Archeological Diggings MagazineFor More Information And A Subscription, Please Visit www.DiggingsOnline.Com Following the interest roused by the James Ossuary, news comes from Israel of another – and...
Ghost Cities of Syria

Palmyra – City Of Palm Trees

Palmyra is 200 kms NE of Damascus and, in the opposite direction, a five day camel trek from the Euphrates River. This city of palm trees has an interesting history. It is better known to Old Testament scholars as Tadmor-in-the-Wilderness. The word Tadmor is probably...