The Francthi Cave

The Francthi Cave

Ancient man was not as primitive as some would have us believe – that, at least, is the conclusion reached after the excavation of the Francthi Cave on the coast of south-east Greece. The Francthi Cave, on the coast of south east Greece, is a remarkable site which,...
The Francthi Cave

Biblical Archeology, Course 4, Lesson 1

The Mesha Stele (popularized in the 19th century as the “Moabite Stone”) is a black basalt stone, bearing an inscription by the 9th century BC Moabite King Mesha, discovered in 1868 at Dhiban (biblical “Dibon,” capital of Moab). The inscription of 34 lines is written...
The Francthi Cave

Biblical Archeology, Course 3, Lesson 3

A History Of Deciphering The Rosetta Stone:  After Napoleon’s scholars made an informal translation of the Greek text, they sent the text as well as impressions of the stones to scholars in France, and soon it reached the scholarly community in the rest of the...
The Francthi Cave

Biblical Credibility and Archaeology

[Biblical Archaeology News] One of the great friends of the Bible is the field of archaeology. Over and over, the biblical record has been validated by archaeological finds. Here is a list of some new ones reported in the Associated Press, December 9, 1996. * An...
The Francthi Cave

Seal of Jezebel Identified

Seal of Jezebel IdentifiedBryant G. Wood, Ph.D. In the early 1960s a collection of privately-owned ancient seals was donated to the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. One of them had the name “Jezebel” on it. The late Nahman Avigad, a leading Israeli paleographer...