Buried City Stays Buried

Buried City Stays Buried

English Heritage is the semi-autonomous body charged with caring for and preserving England’s multitude of historical sites and buildings. Similar bodies fulfil the same responsibilities for Scotland, Ireland and Wales. When you pay your £4.50 at the gateway to some...
Buried City Stays Buried

Trajan Column

The Latest Archeology News Extracts From The World Of Research Via The Web Trajan’s Column is a monument in Rome raised in honour of the Roman emperor Trajan and constructed by the architect Apollodorus of Damascus at the order of the Roman Senate. It is located in...
Buried City Stays Buried

In Prison at Caesarea

Diggings has reported on the on-going discoveries being made at Caesarea, the port city with the huge artificial harbour constructed by Herod on the coast of Palestine. Where once was a sandy waste dotted with broken columns, there is now a thriving archaeological...
Buried City Stays Buried

Doreen’s Death At Dor

In the very first edition of this magazine, in April 1994, we printed the story of Doreen’s sad fate at Dor. In September 5, 2001, Professor Andrew Stewart, who has been in charge of the recent excavations at Dor, gave a lecture at Sydney University in which he told...