Biblical Archeology Free Online Course 4, Lesson 1

Free Online Archeology Course 4, Lesson 4

Postprocessual archaeology is a form of archaeological theory which is related to the broader development of postmodernism during the 1980s. Processual archaeologists had, if not a single theoretical position to unify them, then at least a common aspiration that drove...
Biblical Archeology Free Online Course 4, Lesson 1

Are the Biblical Documents Reliable?

Introduction How do we know that the Bible we have today is even close to the original? Haven’t copiers down through the centuries inserted and deleted and embellished the documents so that the original message of the Bible has been obscured? These questions are...
Biblical Archeology Free Online Course 4, Lesson 1

Egyptian Queen Proposes

Once the Hittite language had been identified and its use of cuneiform writing understood, all sorts of fascinating things began to be discovered, such as the fact that the Hittites were among the first (if not the very first) to domesticate horses and harness them to...