The Resurrection of Christ

The Resurrection of Christ

Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ:Christopher Louis Lang Approaching the Bible In order to examine the evidence for the resurrection we must place ourselves in the historical situation. The events surrounding the life and death of Christ didn’t occur...
The Resurrection of Christ

James Ossuary Again

These Articles Are Reproduced With Special Permission From Archeological Diggings MagazineFor More Information And A Subscription, Please Visit www.DiggingsOnline.Com Since the publication of the ossuary (bone box) in which James, the brother of Jesus, was allegedly...
The Resurrection of Christ

Discovery: Name of Biblical Family

( Archeologists have discovered a stone seal that includes the name of a family who were servants during the First Temple, were exiled to Babylonia and then returned to Jerusalem. Dr. Eliot Mazar, who was involved in the recent discovery that may have...
The Resurrection of Christ

The Historical Accuracy of the Bible

To be divinely inspired, a book must be historically accurate.  For if its credibility cannot be established on the basis of known events, it certainly cannot be relied upon as an adequate guide in matters beyond our ability to check.  On the other hand, if...
The Resurrection of Christ


[Biblical Archeology News] There are a variety of evidences that can be used to support the fact that the flood described in the Bible did occur. In Biblical Archaeology Review, March/April, 1997, page 10, is a report of some new work in the Black Sea. William Ryan...