Two New Inscriptions in Israel

Two New Inscriptions in Israel

Two very early inscriptions were found in excavations in the Shephelah this summer and word leaked about them both this week, in advance of the annual SBL/ASOR meetings in Philadelphia. Since lots of news reports and bloggers have written about them, I am not...
Two New Inscriptions in Israel

Black Sea Boats

These Articles Are Reproduced With Special Permission From Archeological Diggings MagazineFor More Information And A Subscription, Please Visit www.DiggingsOnline.Com The Black Sea is a remarkable body of water; far larger than any lake, it is fed by a number of large...
Two New Inscriptions in Israel

Biblical Archeology, Free Course 5

Biblical Archeology, Free Course 5Important Inscriptions (Contd…) Inscriptions 3: While it is useful to discover artifacts, greater still is the discovery of inscriptions because they furnish information in a special way. We continue to study archeological...
Two New Inscriptions in Israel

Naughty Thessalonians

Thessaloniki, an important city in northern Greece, has had somewhat of a Cinderella existence. History records that up until the Turkish conquest the city was a very important one and the fact that St Paul wrote two letters to the Christian church there indicates...
Two New Inscriptions in Israel

Dog’s Dream World at Ascalon

Back in September 1986 Diggings reported the discovery by Laurence Stager of a dog cemetery in Ascalon. Since that date Stager estimates that he has found more than a thousand dog skeletons there, all of which were neatly folded in a foetal position. There were no...